June-Income-ReportThis is my 28th income report for this blog.

Every month I publish a post like this showing:

  • how much money I made
  • what I worked on
  • and what my plans are for the future.

These reports will help me keep myself accountable, and hopefully I can help you figure out how you can make money online.

What I Did in June

I spent a lot of time reading, thinking, and writing in June.

However, it wasn’t all introspection and no action. I accomplished a lot of biz stuff also!

Online I:

  • Sold my BAB site for $20,000!
  • Published 4 posts on this blog:
    • How I almost went to the dark side of making money online
    • My journey from zero to hero with a new Amazon affiliate site
    • The complete review of a course creation platform Teachery
    • And the May income report roundup
  • Did 2 site redesigns for a couple businesses for free. This gave me enough confidence to start contacting local businesses with the goal of charging them, but I put this on hold until after I come back from my vacation.
  • Wrote a couple of guest posts for WHQ.
  • Bought content on Upwork for a couple sites and bought links for WHQ. This is my last hurrah for this site. If the new content, links, and guest posts don’t bring it back from life I will hold it for a couple months and then sell it off to recoup some of my expenses.
  • Wrote 15,000 words for EG.

Offline I:

Plans For June

I have grandiose plans for this site and my brand, but you’ll have to wait until next month to see what they are. 😉

I’ll be using the 10x principles and starting a completely new venture that I know will be successful.

I’m going on vacation for 1 week, so after I come back I will be rejuvenated and extremely ready to do the work.

Technically I don’t need a “vacation” in the way that most people view it as I’m pumped and ready to work every day for 10+ hours per day, but this is a pre-planned thing and I get to see my girlfriend who I haven’t seen in 2 months so I will be completely present in the moment and dedicating my time to her and her family. 🙂 Complete presence in whatever you do is a must!

Website Traffic

Traffic is a bit higher due to people sharing my income report roundups on social media and blog comments.


Amazon Affiliate Websites Traffic

This section is for those interested in my Amazon affiliate sites.

Most of my income is from Amazon, so I thought you might be interested in seeing how much traffic I get on my biggest sites and how much money they make. (I used to have another site here, until I sold it for $20,000)

WHQ is a site that I removed from this section previously, but I’m bringing it back now as it will make a comeback soon.

It made $73.59 in June compared to $60.6 in May.

This is due to my obvious drop in traffic and rankings, but my VA and I are working hard on re-ranking the site and adding content to it.


Income Report

Here are the numbers that everyone loves to see!

  • Amazon Affiliate- $425.68 Solid income for an “off” month. If only WHQ was actually making real money…
  • Content Samurai– $700.8 My first $700+ month. Glad to see this number increasing and not decreasing. I’m quite used to this stream of hands-off income.
  • Website Sales- $17,000 I sold BAB for $20,000 and since EmpireFlippers takes a 15% cut, I received $17,000 straight into my bank account. Not a bad payout for only a couple hours of work per month!
  • Total- $18,126.48 Nearly 10x higher than my previous highest month. Next couple months won’t be anywhere near this high, but eventually I will get to a steady stream of income at this level.


  • SerpLab- $5 Keyword tracking.
  • Domains- $21.74 2 renewals on Namecheap.
  • SEO- $637.75 Bought a “guest post” and a couple of PBN links.
  • Upwork- $13.87 Content for WHQ.
  • VA- $640 High expenses month for me.
  • Other- $398.52 Spent some money on Divi, some money on a Skype number and unlimited US calling, and some money on VideoScribe for whiteboard videos. Can anyone guess what my next project will be? Let me know in the comments below! 🙂
  • Total- $1,716.87 I allowed myself to spend more on business as I designated some of my money from the BAB sale to go into the business. Next month expenses will also be pretty high, but I’ll see if I can minimize them in August.

Total Profit: $16,409.61

That’s a ton of profit for one month! Most of it is going towards living expenses and taxes for the next school year, but as you can see I’ve already spent some of it on business.

Now if only I could get to a steady $15,000 per month without having to sell my websites. 😉

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